Monday, December 6, 2010


With a lull in homework, I thought I'd get a head start on this project. It was supposed to be a container. I thought I'd attempt to make a simple hinge, which sort of worked. If I was experimenting with a hinge, I thought I should keep the form simple, hence the clam shell. I draped clay over a small bowl. Doing this twice, and then forming the shape slightly made both sides of the shell.
Finding out that the container was supposed to be made from multiple slabs joined together, I made another piece. The process involved creating a large air bubble, the internal air pressure giving the form stability when it is being manipulated. Once the form is made the way you like it, you then cut the lid from it.

I had some fun using the needle tool to create the stumps rings.

I used black, brown and green stains with a clear glaze.
The legs in the lid where to help the lid hold it's position properly.

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