Monday, December 6, 2010

Drap Molds

For this project the  goals where to play with rolled out flat clay draped over plaster molds. I remembered the turtle I made when I was little. It was a very guided project by the teacher, but it meant it was a cool result. The Turtle shell segments where made of spirals.
I decided to try and recreate the spirals to create a bowl. To do this I first rolled out a thin slab of both colour clays. After I rolled this new layered slab like a jam rolly polly(a British dessert). With this new sausage, I tried different ways of slicing thin discs off of it. I found the best way was with the metal sheet tool. The result was a pile of spiral discs.

I took a piece of cheese cloth, and lay it on the inside of a bowl mold. This cloth was to keep the clay from sticking to the plaster. I slowly build the discs from the center of the mold outwards.

With the final clay piece fired, I used a clear glaze, since the clay had the detail.

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