Monday, December 6, 2010

final projects

"Code monkey get up get coffee. 
Code monkey go to job. 
Code monkey have boring meeting, 
with boring manager Rob"

I'm a computer scientist, and those where the lyrics of a nerdy song that kept going through my head while making this. I thought it'd be a fun piece to give to my sister, since she is becoming a computer scientist as well. There are several slang terms for people who develope software, the two most common are code monkey, and script kitty. both can be used derogitorily, and positivly, script kitty usually defines someone who uses scripts, but doesn't necessarily creates them. This is why I thought a monkey would be more apt for my sister, since she's started to learn several new languages.

I made it out of the very last pieces of my clay. I had less than a tablespoon left by the end, I was rather proud of this. I used the roller machine to create the table surface, as well as the floor. I scraffitoed, and slipped the the periferals to the table. After the piece was leather hard, I realised I had not pocked holes in the two air pockets I'd used to make it. I came in the day before the last firing, and pocked a hole in the top of the monkey's head, and in his bum. while doing so, he became disattached from his stump. I tried using a small amount of slip to stick him back on, but didn't want to use very much, since it may cause a vapour expansion in the kiln. Since I was overly causious, the monkey and his computer table came out seperate.
having the code monkey able to leave his desk is oddly symbolic.
It will be even more so when I glue him to his seat.

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